Forgiveness:One of the great qualities of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat is that he doesn't take revenge from his personal enemies. He often says that if some one has hurt me or cursed me, I have forgiven him. Even if someone does so in future, I have forgiven him in advance. Because I have read in Hadees-e-Pak, the translation of which goes like that one companion radhi Allaho ta'ala anhu came to Prophet and requested, Ya Rasool Allah! I don't have any wealth that I donate, but I have made attention that who ever deprives me of my right, I have forgiven him in advance. At this, Sayyaduna Jibra'il alaihissalam came to Prophet and requested that Allah says to give good news to your this companion that you being an abd (worshipper) forgives other people; therefore, We being the creator forgive you too.
Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat often advises Muballagheen and other Islamic brothers to always control the anger. He says that you make those happy who break with you. Whoever deprives you, you give him, and never take revenge. And don't even think to do so from Muslims. Just forgive others for the sake of the pleasure of Allah. Because Allah says in Qur'an: "And who restrain anger and who pardon men. And virtuous people are dear to Allah." [4:134 Translation from Kanz-ul-eeman]
If some one assassinates me...
The quality of the forgiveness of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat can be further seen from this that he sometimes say to his mo'taqadeen (people associated with him) that supposedly if some one assassinates me, do not say anything to my murderer, and do not go to any court because I have already forgiven all the miseries and problem that may come from Muslims. I also ask my family to forgive their rights and they should not go to court either. No one is allowed to go on strike and disturb the daily works in my country. Even if I get some honor and rank on the day of resurrection, I would not enter in the heaven without taking my murderer provided that he had died as a Muslim on faith. Because if he had not assassinated me, I would not have gotten martyrdom. Therefore, why shouldn't I pay heed to he who gave me martyrdom.
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